Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is here and Collin is thrilled.  He now gets up on his own at:

The past 180 school days required prodding and a whole lot of encouragement just to get him to roll over.  Not anymore... he is up and ready to go before 6:00 AM!

On his first afternoon off he went to the library.  This was the scene when I arrived home from work.

He asks to go to the library at least once a day.

I'm trying hard to adjust to being at home.  It's tough.  I can no longer get "lost" in the day teaching.  It was easy to forget and stay busy with the kindergarten kids.  Nathan wasn't "suppose" to be there, but  he is "suppose" to be with Collin and me during the summers.  I am missing him so very much.  The past 12 summers have been just the boys and me.  This has always been my favorite time of year.  I'm not loving summer right now, but I will do my best to make it a good summer for Collin. 

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